Our Latest Stories

February Monthly Did You Know?

Here is February’s monthly “Did You Know?” feature …  Did you know? You can save energy by breaking large rooms into zones and controlling their  floor heating using…

January Monthly Did You Know?

Here is January’s monthly “Did You Know?” feature …  Did you know? You can tile immediately after a nVent NUHEAT Mat is thinsetted down to the subfloor. 

December Monthly Did You Know?

Here is December’s monthly “Did You Know?” feature …  If your floor ever stops heating, no need to fear, we can repair the system without ripping up your…

Tips from the nVent NUHEAT Repair Team

Check out two key tips from the nVent NUHEAT Repair Team to help with your floor heating installations.

nVent NUHEAT Cable

November Monthly Did You Know?

Here is November’s monthly “Did You Know?” feature …  Did you know that you can install two or more cable kits together?

October Monthly Did You Know?

We kick off our first monthly “Did You Know?” feature … Did you know that you can install nVent NUHEAT in the shower?