Couplers Eliminate The “Hidden Costs” of Lap Splicing
For many years, lap splicing has been the traditional method of connecting reinforcing bars . But as many structural engineers, architects and specifiers have discovered, lap splicing has...
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nVent LENTON Rebar Splicing and Synergies with Fabricators
nVent LENTON Ultimate is a mechanical rebar splicing system designed to maximize performance and shop efficiency while minimizing installation difficulty in the field. The Ultimate Taper-Threaded Couplers…

The Importance of the S-N Curve in Fatigue Applications
Fatigue and the S-N Curve Fatigue performance refers to a building structure’s ability to withstand failure under repeated or cyclic loading. This is assessed through fatigue tests, where…

Concrete Products Article: Critical ACI 318-19 Code changes streamline reinforced concrete structure design
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Versatile nVent LENTON Couplers Speed Up the Piling Process on the CTRL Project
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nVent LENTON Couplers Used in Australia’s Kurilpa Bridge
The Kurilpa Bridge in Brisbane, the capital and most populous city in Queensland, Australia, was designed to link Brisbane city center to the arts precinct at South Brisbane,…

Why Couplers? Advantages of Using Mechanical Splices
Why Couplers? Advantages of Using Mechanical Splices A recent trend shows that engineers are increasingly specifying mechanical coupler connections over traditional lap splices. Benefits of using mechanical couplers…