frost heave solutions

Avoid Frost Heave Damage in Cold Storage Facilities with Modern Electric Heat Tracing

The demand for commercial cold storage has been on the increase for several years as the need for protection against frost heave damage grows. This growth has been…

Prepare your plant for winter

How to Prepare Your Plant for Winter

During the summer months, it is easy to overlook the approaching winter. However, it is important to be proactive and take preventive action now. Winter brings with it…

Roof and Gutter De-Icing

Roof and Gutter De-Icing for Occupant Safety and Building System Integrity

The buildup of snow and ice on roofs is a major safety concern and it can seriously impact building systems, leading to expensive repairs and causing costly downtime…

nVent CADDY Summer 2023 New Product Release

We’re ready to share the latest in nVent CADDY innovation! Solve common worksite challenges with the latest electrical and datacom solutions. These new additions and improved offerings are…

installing a heated driveway

Spring Is Ideal Time to Prepare Surface Snow Melting for Winter

Ice and snow-covered sidewalks ramps and driveways can pose a major threat to business operations and safety. An electric snow melting system is an environmentally friendly way to…

Auditing Your Industrial Facility

Why Audit Your Heat Management System?

All industrial facilities need to have processes operating properly to meet the demands of their production schedule. Any disruption or shutdown can cost a facility millions of dollars….

concealed snow melting for roofs

nVent RAYCHEM RIM Concealed Snow Melting & De-Icing Systems

The nVent RAYCHEM RIM system is North America’s leading, high performance, aesthetically pleasing, concealed snow melting and de-icing solution, powered by nVent RAYCHEM self-regulating cable technology.

Electric Floor Heating

Can Electric Floor Heating be Used as a Primary Heat Source?

The answer is – Yes. Electric floor heating can be the primary and sole source of heating, quite common in recently build family houses. The solution is storage…

roof and gutter de-icing for airports

Roof and Gutter De-icing: Using nVent RAYCHEM IceStop to Safeguard Airport Operations

Located in the world’s highest plateau, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is the famous city of sunshine – Lhasa. The Gongga International Airport in Lhasa has become one of the…

a large, modern petrochemical enterprise in the winter

High Temperature Self-Regulating Heating Cables You Can Rely on Through the Winter and Beyond

Self-regulating heating cables have been around for many years, used for pipe freeze protection and process temperature maintenance applications. It’s considered one of the most reliable electric heat…