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“Here at nVent, it truly feels like everyone wants to find a solution to a problem,               and they want to work together to solve it.”

At nVent, we appreciate data and are grateful for our versatile teammates that have the ability to make it easier to understand with various data illustrations. That’s were our data & analytics team shines. One of the people responsible for helping our company advance on our digital transformation journey is Sarah, a data analytics, strategy, and visualization manager based in our Enterprise office in St. Louis Park, Minnesota.

Her decision to join nVent was purposeful. “For me, the three main factors in deciding to come to nVent were: the amount of women in leadership roles, the opportunity to support and provide analytics across all of nVent at a corporate level, and the chance to grow independently, as well as to help self-service grow for the company.”

Initially joining as a senior data visualization analyst, Sarah quickly found her role evolving. She shares, “In a fairly short period of time, the team was re-structured a bit, and I was given the opportunity to mentor and support two direct reports. It was then that the role became what it is now.” She is grateful that she was afforded the opportunity to grow and expand the scope of her work so early on in her career.

A typical day for Sarah is dynamic and diverse. “It’s hard to paint a ‘typical’ day for me,” she explains. “Generally speaking, I connect with the digital team and check-in on work and dependencies across projects daily.” From meeting with team members to discussing project feasibility with a Tableau reporting requirement to enhancing reports or researching standard processes, Sarah is deeply immersed in the world of data analytics and visualization.

Sarah’s favorite type of work involves solving complex challenges, such as developing efficient solutions for unique requests. One such solution required visualizing a large parent-child relationship in a Tableau hierarchy. “Tableau’s native functionality doesn’t include a parent-child column structure and Tableau’s solution was unusable for the size of the project, figuring out an alternative and reusable solution to move a large finance project forward is certainly something I’m proud of,” says Sarah.

She recalls one of the first projects she worked on, which helped her gain a deeper understanding of nVent and its data aspirations. “I was tasked with working on articulating what a data fabric meant in the context of Integrated Supply Chain (ISC),” notes Sarah. “It was a great project for a variety of reasons, but most notably getting to know colleagues and starting to understand nVent data.”

What Sarah enjoys most about being an nVent teammate is the people. “I genuinely enjoy partnering with folks across the business and across the globe.” Sarah feels a strong sense of collaboration and support. She continues, “Here at nVent, it truly feels like everyone wants to find a solution to a problem, and they want to work together to solve it.”

Our Win Right value of Accountability for Performance has great meaning for Sarah. “For most of my life, I have been a ‘lead by example’ kind of person,” Sarah remarks. “I have and will always stand by my work.” She believes that accountability encompasses a broad spectrum, from being accountable for one’s attitude and work to articulating any struggles or questions.

If you haven’t noticed yet, Sarah is big on relationships. Her advice to others is to connect. “Meet people,” she exclaims. “Don’t be afraid to get in touch with someone, and make time for those who contact you.” Her journey at nVent highlights the company’s commitment to fostering a collaborative, empowering, and inclusive workplace.

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