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We connect and protect nVent Blog

At nVent, we believe that safer systems ensure a more secure world. We connect and protect our customers with inventive electrical solutions.

Our Latest Stories

nVent HOFFMAN Facility’s Transition to Renewables Expected to cut nVent Carbon Footprint by 10 Percent

At nVent, being a good steward of the environment is an integral part of our operations. One of our 2030 social responsibility Planet goals is to achieve a 25%…

2020 Social Responsibility Report Highlights Accomplishments and New Goals

We are excited to announce the launch of our 2020 Social Responsibility Report, which includes new social responsibility goals. At nVent, our social responsibility efforts are focused on three areas: People, Products and Planet. In 2020,…

Moderntec is Supporting Sustainable Infrastructure Across South Korea

Electric transportation infrastructure is on the rise in South Korea. Cities across the country are working to make public infrastructure more sustainable and environmentally conscious. One example is…

nVent Houston Office Goes Green

As the world changes and becomes more electrified, it creates opportunities for more sustainable energy and power solutions. Because investing in a sustainable future is so important to…

What’s Next in an Electrified World?

Have you ever thought about how much electricity affects the world around you? With each passing year it powers and connects more systems, creating all sorts of efficiencies….

Just Enough Copper to Keep Thieves Away

Telecommunications companies play a large role in our day-to-day lives. Cellular networks provide voice and data communications for business, emergency services, staying in touch with friends and family,…

On the Roam: Protecting Cellular Wireless Networks in Australia

Telecommunications companies play a large role in our day-to-day lives. Cellular networks provide voice and data communications for business, emergency services, staying in touch with friends and family,…

DESY Scientists Supporting Cutting-Edge Research Around The Clock

“The stuff we got from nVent is simply working. I cannot remember a single crate failing in the facility.” Hundreds of scientists at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), one of…

How to Stop a Copper Thief: a Good Disguise

“The nVent team realized it could help end the theft and replacement expenses for BC Hydro and help them better serve their customers.” Functioning power grids connect and…

With nVent ModCenter, Small Business Grows Into Major Player

“With the nVent HOFFMAN ModCenter 293, we are turning product around in a shorter time period and are able to target and take on more projects than ever.”…